Soon, on 16 February at 11:00 a.m., there will be a training session in our church. Register via Google Forms by clicking on this link.
Description of the communication training:
Relationships, Kisses and Sex is designed for anyone who wants to learn a biblical approach to relationships, dating culture and sexuality. Relationships - What are relationships based on, what is a healthy self-image, where is God in my world of relationships, etc.? Kisses - What might be the right 'dating culture' for a Christian, what boundaries need to be drawn, if/when previous relationship patterns can be transferred to a new relationship, how to navigate the relationship world as an adult single person, free-co-habitation or marriage. Sex - The biblical treatment of sexuality, whether the missionary story is all about sex, how to cope with age changes, etcetera.
The training will be conducted by Tõnis and Aili Roosimaawho have extensive pastoral and counselling experience.
There is a fee: young people (up to 18 years) €5, adults €10.